
Showing posts from April, 2019


Weight: 77 kg  The place that makes me most aware of how fat I am, is the gym. There's a wall-length mirror in every room, and not just the zumba one. My old lady joints are recovering. I'm feeling a little better. My mom thinks I've already lost weight, just after two days of cardio and aerobics. Quite honestly, I'm not so optimistic. I know the full extent of my past gluttony, and I'll have to suffer to get rid of the consequences. That being said, I had tofu ramen (a very small, but filling portion) for dinner yesterday night. So, eating healthier... somewhat. Looking forward to the face gains, feeling anxious about the boob drains.

Bridget Jones's Diary

Weight: 77 kg (or approx 170 pounds if you're American) BMI : 32 Today is the first day of the rest of the my life. As will tomorrow be, and as yesterday was. I joined a gym today. The trainer is a man with disproportionately large biceps and a friendly smile. Thankfully, there are people much worse off than me. This is perhaps going to be a way for me to monitor my own weight and feelings regarding it during the next few months. My target is to lose 20 kilograms in six months. A hard feat, perhaps. But it is necessary. I did cardio today. I've made a startling discovery. I'm a young adult with the knees and endurance of a much older woman. This is not meant as a compliment to myself. My muscles and knees hurt. For some reason my arms do as well. This is probably going to be like Bridget Jones's Diary. Except without self-destructive acts such as smoking, excessive drinking, and pining over men. There are at present, no men around me. Thank god for small merci...


I don't think unconditional love exists in this world. Mothers are perhaps an exception. Unconditional love shouldn't exist. You shouldn't love someone that doesn't deserve it. I've seen people get hurt and destroy their lives because they couldn't control their feelings. They pined away while the other person underwent no loss at all. Emotions will be our downfall if we let them. Dark post. Just thinking of things recently.

My Space

No, readers. I'm not talking about the old social networking site. I'm talking about a space for myself. Isn't that so important? To have a space to call your own. I don't care if it's a ten foot by ten foot room or just a cubicle-sized refuge from the rest of the world. I desperately want a space where I can be myself without being watched, monitored, judged, and interrupted. I'm one of those people that seems to ride on a pendulum between introversion and extroversion. Sometimes, after an exhausting bout of social interaction, I just want to hibernate for a while. Spend some time with myself. Only, I get interrupted. It's like watching a video which buffers every few seconds. After a while, the whole exercise becomes pointless. I just want some space now. I don't want people curious about what I'm doing. I don't want needless interruptions. I just want to breathe without feeling like I'm sharing oxygen with another person. 

What I Did Saturday

Hey guys! I mentioned in my fanfiction that I was out of town on Saturday and Sunday. I went to Mahabalipuram, this city that's the capital of stone carving in the world. It's famous for ancient temples and the art of stone carving. You can get a lot of pretty marble stuff there, and I did.